
Shorts til mænd er den ene ting, du virkelig har brug for i din sommergarderobe. Brug dem sammen med en klassisk hørskjorte til varmere dage eller med en tynd striktrøje til koldere nætter. Eller hvorfor ikke købe et komplet Terry-sæt med shorts og matchende top? Udforsk hele bukser og shortskollektionen hos John Henric.

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Men’s shorts Online

High quality shorts for men in genuine craftsmanship, low price, what’s the catch? None. John Henric is an exclusive producer-to-consumer company. This means that we sell our shorts for men online solely in our own stores and at Since we skip wholesale, you skip the markup. This way we can offer high-quality shorts in luxurious fabrics at a better price than you would normally pay. Buy your shirt with free shipping worldwide and fast deliveries and great service from John Henric.

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