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Style guide
A tie clip is the quintessential accessory to a man’s, else monochrome, outfit. To not know how to use one is almost a crime itself. Because there aren’t an abundance of accessories for men to use, the tie clip plays an important role. With a few handy tips you’ll be sure to be the best dressed chap at the next soirée. We hope you will enjoy our guide on how to wear a tie clip.
If one ever feels lost in the quite hectic and dense world of fashion, look to the classics. For instance, look at the dinner jacket. Or the tail coat. Or well polished Oxfords. The classic elegance simply works. It is, undeniably, thanks to the historic anchor. Some items has been good-looking the past 100 years - and those things most probably will be for another 100 years to come. The tie bar replaced the historic cravat pin, early 20th century. It now belongs, without a doubt, to the staple commodities of a man’s wardrobe. It is an investment in male style and personal expression. The tie bar is an accessory every man ought to own.
Spruceness is mandatory when it comes to tie clips. There aren’t many worse things than to see a slender tie with a big, hefty and broad tie bar. Keep the tie bar neat if the tie isn’t broad. If the tie is broad, you do as you please - even though we, personally, prefer the slimmer ones. It’s discrete and elegant. And also, make sure that the positioning of your tie clip is on point. There are too many examples of when a tie clip sits either too high or too low. Neither is preferable. One should aim to place the tie clip between the third and fourth button, just below one’s chest. The tie clip should also be horizontally placed across your tie.
Before one fastens the tie clip, one should pull the tie upwards to blouse it a bit. By doing so you’ll surely add a bit of depth and visual appeal. Thereafter one could tighten the tie clip to make sure your tie sits in place. Try to avoid colors like bright red or turquoise. Colors like these are too eye catching. They steal too much attention from what actually should get the attention: your tie. We like tie bars in monochrome colors like silver or gold. We believe tie bars should be in a visually appealing, but also neutral, color. They should be a discrete, yet luxurious, accessory - not something to boast about. However what you prefer, silver or gold, is up to you. Just make sure to match the rest of the metals in the same tone.
Also bear in mind that a tie clip, historically, shouldn’t be worn along with a waistcoat or a cardigan. Because it countervails the purpose of a tie clip. A waistcoat or a cardigan is always a nice garment but by wearing one, the tie clip becomes redundant - because the tie already is being held in place. Finally we’d like to emphasize the importance of using the tie bar the way it was designed to be used: attached both to the shirt and to the tie. It’s often a better idea to use the items the way they were meant to be used, than to not. We hope you feel more confident now on how to wear a tie clip.